Just over 50 years ago, my parents named me Russell. Actually they named me Russell after the Open Bible minister who did their wedding ceremony; C. Russell Archer. I’m not sure if that’s significant, but I know names can be very important.
When the time came for our son to be born, Andrew, we named him after the brother of Simon Peter, from the New Testament. The reason being, Andrew was the one who brought Peter to the Lord, upon Jesus’ inauguration as the Messiah. Our rationale was, Andrew would have a brother, and we’d name him Peter Logan, and then Andrew would direct his younger brother to the Lord.
As it was, Andrew had a sister. We named her Anna; after the prophetess in Luke 2:36. Somehow we really believed she would have a prophetic voice. And she does. As a matter of fact she’s very black and white and thinks she should be a lawyer.
Anyway, names are a funny thing. Sometimes there’s great meaning and significance behind them and other times, there’s no real rhyme or reason for their being; they just sound good on the tongue. And that’s okay.
But what I had on my mind was this: Who Were You Named For? That’s right; did your name have any significance to your parents, and if so, what was it?
The reason I ask that is because; very often our names will shape our destiny. Oh you may think I’m whacked, but seriously, if your parents by faith named you after someone of great faith or Kingdom exploits, just maybe, that explains why you’ve been assaulted by the enemy so much of your life. Now granted, most of us wouldn’t know if we were in the thick of some devilish plot to thwart the work of God on earth because of us; but the fact remains many people have gone before us, who’ve held names that were of great faith and significance, and God used them mightily.
And we are no exception to the rule. If by chance (or providence) you were named after someone who was godly and did great exploits for the Kingdom, you may be in store for something very powerful and significant; then again maybe not.
Either way, if we will trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding; God tends to direct or guide our footsteps so as to make the most of our existence. And just maybe, our names will mean a great deal for generations in the future.
Who Were You Named For?
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