Much has transpired in the life and ministry of Jesus over the 3 years He has been traveling and bringing the Kingdom of God to bear upon the lives of people He met. And the characters in this scene are no exception to that rule.
Matthew 26:6-13 and Mark 14:3-9 begin to set the scene for these very pronounce opportunities. John 12:2-11 reveals another view of the pending Collision.
As we watch the story unfolding there are SEVERAL THINGS to note about pending Collisions that God is seeking to Capture us in… let’s look.
1. Jesus hangs out with the LEPER’S – Matthew 26:6; Mark 14:3
The people who were ceremonially unclean and socially ostracized – the dregs not typically invited to church
2. Jesus hangs out with the ONCE DEAD – John 12:2, 9
The people who have an incredible testimony of once being dead in their sins – but whom Jesus raised to life
3. Jesus commends those CAPTURED in the COLLISION of a decision made that HONORS Him above ALL ELSE – Matthew 26:11; Mark 14:7; John 12:8
The people stuck between a rock and a hard place – but who tend to discover His presence in the moment and choose best over good.
The key thing for us to NOTE is obedience in the moment. It’s about being keenly aware of when Jesus shows up in your midst or proximity. At any given moment, through the Holy Spirit, Jesus may show up. Are we developing an awareness that realizes Jesus is here?
The problem we face is; PRAGMATISM kicks in and we miss the moment. We miss the opportunity that the Savior, the Healer, the Baptizer has shown up in our moment of life. All we seem to be able to do is look at the outward needs or issues of life and we miss that He’s reclining right in our very midst. Right in our own dinning room, living room, car, cubicle, back yard, family room, bedroom, sidewalk, or possibly even our church sanctuary!
How aware are we that our Savior is near? How sensitive are we to His plan and His will for the moment? And are we READY to anoint Him or honor Him for what He is about to do?
My suggestion is that we, much like the disciples and others in the room, fall into indignation about all the OTHER things that NEED attention or NEED funding or NEED helping or NEED fixing or WHATEVER!
Are you consumed with outward EXPEDIENCY and missing the fact that the Savior is honoring you with His presence? That’s a question that you need to be able to answer – honestly. Because your answer may determine WHY you may not have experienced His ultimate favor and commendation?
Now here’s the POINT: God sets up life scenarios where we are CAPTURED in the COLLISION of decision. In the midst of EXPEDIENCY will you FIRST turn to Him and honor the FACT that He is right with you in the moment.
STOP! The next time you are in the middle of making a decision about doing what appears to be a good and right thing… is there something GREATER waiting to be attended to?
“For the poor you always have with you; but you do not always have Me.”
John 12:8 (NASB)
If you will hone your spiritual senses to the fact of His presence in your midst and if you will honor Him and anoint Him… if you will sacrificially apply your love and acknowledgment for what He is about to do and what He has done. He in turn will honor and commend you.
thanx it is a timely read for me. I am about to be extracted by the jaws of life in this collision. Ask me about it in 3 weeks.
ReplyDeleteKerry... I'll mark my calendar and get back with you RE God's extraction from the pending collision... Bless you my brother.