Just a short thought... John 1:1-5 describes the "Word" of God and it's place and connection to the cosmos. It further indicates that an element within the cosmos is "darkness" in contrast to "the light".
If you read no further in the Bible or if this passage were all you had access to, how important would the "Word" be to you, if we are to be reconciled and restored to God? Assuming you believe we are, without God, unreconciled and unrestored.
It seems that God originally created and connected with His creation, by His Word. From the very beginning until now, God speaks. He speaks and has spoken with an audible voice, with a still small voice, and even with a gentle knowing in the hearts of man even sometimes through man.
Further, as He spoke in these various ways, those spoken to, recorded His Words, instructions, commands, helps and healings. Essentially God, by speaking to us, has become our ultimate "Life Coach". In doing this, He's established a way by which He communicates with man. He speaks Words that have power to change, to give life, to reconcile matters between God and man, and even man to man, to restore lost hope and fortune to those taken captive by the thief, liar and murderer - the enemy of our souls.
In short... Words matter... to God... and to us!
Think about life without words. Would it be life?
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