Or something significant like proficient levels of music, maybe folks would have loved me more, but no. It was skateboarding; bicycle and motorcycle riding, and trekking my own path through life that made me stand out. Oh yeah, and polemics. Maybe it’s the Irish in me, but arguing passionately for a point in my younger days really gave me an endorphin rush. Not so much the older I get. I budget my battle picks.
I was just watching some Phil Keaggy videos on YouTube and I marveled at his proficiency. I’ve always loved his music, but man that guy CAN play the guitar. Pure beauty as his fingers tickled the frets and his partner-less index finger picked the strings. And we all exhale accolades for the higher things of beauty like brains and the arts.
But what about the billions of folks on this planet that just go through life trying to make a buck and pay their bills? What about the talent of a single mother who makes ends meet on a minimum wage paycheck and still builds self-esteem in the hearts of her fatherless kids? Or the dad who, works the second shift on top of the first so his son can go to college and go where he had never gone? Talent and heart tend to be relative.
I stop for this moment and wonder how many people ponder their significance beyond MATH, or music, or science, or finance, or influence or even successful religion? I wonder if people are really happy with their day in and day out lot in life? Because I know there are days that I wonder if I’ve missed my God given opportunities, simply because I didn’t do well at MATH? Or science, or music, or poetry, or any number of other disciplines that garner a healthy wage and mass accolades? I suppose I’ll never know.
There have been times that I’ve had a moment of reflection at the Wal-Mart check out, and wondered if the person “beeping” my toothpaste and vitamin C wished they had a different life. Or for that matter I have to admit I’ve thanked God that I have the life I have, but then it all disappears as I walk out and drive home.
Anyway, Jesus told us that the Father would gift us according to our abilities (Matthew 25:15), and that is what our judgment would be based upon. So what about our abilities? What are we/you able to accomplish IN HIM? I would say enormous things if we stay IN HIM. If we stay in the TRUTH of His Word and Spirit, my guess is you WILL HAVE satisfaction in your everyday life.
Had it Been Math you were good at, then you would feel fulfilled with your life. Or even if it weren’t math or some other noble discipline, but if it were simply being a kind helper to others in need, satisfaction and fulfillment would surely overshadow your life.
So the next time you feel that life has slighted you somehow, stop and realize that what God gives each person is “according to their abilities”. And since God knows what you can and cannot do, He is the one who will put you in places to hone and stretch the gifts He’s given, even when you or others count them insignificant. He never will, because He’s the giver of all good and perfect gifts.
Remember, your Father God has your life’s art work up on His refrigerator, and He smiles every time He passes by your best efforts at life and godliness.
Cast your cares on Him then rest in the life He’s given you; and know He’s there every step, every breath, and every second of the way. And for goodness sake, whatsoever you do in life, do it unto Him, and watch the satisfaction and blessings grow, beyond your wildest imagination. And of all things never think or feel, Had it Been Math, my life would be somehow better.
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